We are pleased to announce that we will be at FLAG CON 2024!
The event is in November, 2024. This page will be updated in the summer of 2024 with the exact dates.
Murder By Six, Inc will be attending the event on Saturday.
We are a proud sponsor of this event and very much look forward to meeting you there!
As we did last year, we will be hosting a Plots! RPG event on that Saturday. There, you can see the hard copy of our game and see what it’s all about. The event will be to assist people in rolling up characters, then break off in teams or pairs, or even by one person, and use the books to see how a GM-less game is played.
As always, digital versions of Plots! or Drops! rule book and modules are available on Smashwords and Amazon Kindle.
Copies from the Smashwords site are frequently on sale for 25% off, so we suggest you take advantage of it! New Releases are also usually posted on Smashwords before Amazon.
If you like our game in November, we strongly suggest that you check out Smashwords Winter Sale in December 2024. Awesome holiday present, if you ask us.
If you would like hard copy and live in New York State, please email us at mystery@murderbysix.com. We check for sales on a weekly basis. We can make an invoice for you including sales tax and shipping through Pay Pal. If you are out of state, we suggest you contact your local game company to reach out to us at mystery@murderbysix.com.
Thanks so much for your interest and WE HOPE TO SEE YOU IN NOVEMBER!!! WOOT!